Through playing to a click, I discovered secret measures of 5/4 and 6/4 in the chorus of "A Group Thing" that I didn't realize were there. Take that, Geddy Lee - I can write nerdy technical music without even trying!
hey I know you can play drums and all, but if you don't want to be a completely self-absorbed solo musician and you think you might want someone else to lay down the hella Brubeck beats, let me know.
hey I know you can play drums and all, but if you don't want to be a completely self-absorbed solo musician and you think you might want someone else to lay down the hella Brubeck beats, let me know.
You should hear my Geddy Lee on Rock Band - unstoppable. Send me some files so we can start a prog band.
(Being a singer on Rock Band makes me qualified to sing in a real band, doesn't it?)
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