Thursday, August 14, 2008


You drove for seven hours and then moved all your stuff into a storage space without passing out. (+10,000,000 points)

Your passengers arrived safely and in good health (+25,000,000,000 points)

Your wagon arrived safely with all of its axles and wheels intact. (+595,000,000,000,000 points)

Except for this crack on your windshield (?!?!?!??) (-48,500,999 points)

Total time: 10 hours to Kansas City + 12 hours to Fort Collins + 9 hours to Salt Lake City + 6 hours to Boise + 7 hours to Portland = this country is humongous!
Total Score: 876,500,000,000,000,000,000,000.5 points

Portland rules! Come visit!


April said...


now come back home. we miss you.

Mangry said...

I am glad you did not get dysentery and die. Though it would have been fun to write your own epitaph.

Anonymous said...

Get that crack fixed. Once one starts, it will slowly expand and it really can't be stopped. Unfortunately that probably means getting a whole new windshield.

Jamie Moffitt said...
