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Unfortunately I missed the moment where Davis took the top off the grill and a humongous fireball almost killed us all.
Richmond is a nice town to do that in.
He showed us a French action movie and a British sketch comedy show.
Photographer Unknown
Found by Michael Lease
on Michael Miracle's show on WRIR.
Mom's birdfeeders are doing just fine.
Working on making an outdoor movie screen.
Photographer Unknown
Dad says there's no food in the house.
Cherbs has a safe place to stay. I'm downloading some podcasts to listen to on the plane tomorrow. I've got a car to use on the East Coast and places to stay. Kent South might move to Portland and stay in my apartment while I'm gone. I took care of a bunch of piles today that had been sitting around for at least a year. This place looks pretty nice when it's clean.
It's going to be a great summer... I can't wait to see all my friends. I know I should only look at the bright side, but really Portland was supposed to become my home.
I've been cleaning up my apartment pending my summer travels and I came across this. It's an Australian classical guitarist with synthesizer backing. It doesn't have a copyright date, but it is autographed on the back. I don't even remember where I got it. It was released on Chris Freeman records... do you think they'd sign me?
It's finals week and I have been in the computer labs at school constantly doing nothing but working on projects that I put off until the last minute (who wants to hook me up with Final Cut and/or Flash so I can do this at home?). And I'm not really happy with the projects so I don't think I'll be posting them.
Tonight I had tickets to go see Calvin Johnson but I couldn't go because I had to finish a project that's due in the morning. But then school is over and it's summer and I'll be heading to my mom's house. Man oh man... I'm 30.
Photographer Unknown
So I've never thought of confederate flags and the people who display them as anything more than just kind of dumb. I guess that's because of all the time I've spent in the South... they've just always been around. But in Portland, it's big news when that terrible symbol of intolerance is finally taken off our streets.
(the picture should be big enough so you can read the entire story of you click on it)
This old church in my neighborhood, which had been converted to a bookstore, burned down over the weekend.
The view out my bedroom window is of the alley and dumpster, where homeless people go through my trash more often than I am comfortable with.
My living room has a slightly nicer view - of the National College of Natural Medicine.
As with everything else I try in Portland, my hopes of getting a job an art camp here did not work out. It would have been perfect... a job just for the summer around people with similar interests that would have allowed me to travel as well. But, I am determined to have a great summer anyway so I am hopping the first flight out of here. I will definitely show up in your town, so let's hang out. It will be expensive, but worth it for my sanity. If I sit around here all summer with no friends and nothing to do, I will rot.