100 Oaks Mall is so creepy. It is outdated and dead but it looks like it was given a fresh coat of paint as a last-ditch rejuvination effort. So it looks great on the inside but almost all the stores are closed and there's nobody shopping. The piped-in music eerily echoes down the empty hallways as if it's playing for the ghosts of the last generation's teenagers.

That red, white, and black color scheme makes it looks straight out of 80s teen comedy. I keep expecting to see Keanu Reeves and Abraham Lincoln coming down the escalator.
It was given a makeover with that color scheme and the weird quasi sci fi motif at some point in the mid/late 90s. The food factory up there even had an automated animatronic robot sound and light show for a while.
I only vaguely remember that mall being anywhere close to relevant (70s and very early 80s) but post that, teenagers wouldn't have been hanging around there much that I'm aware of. They'd all migrated north to Rivergate and south to Hickory Hollow by the mid 80s. I remember my dad driving me there in 85 to buy something and I was shocked it was still there.
A CompUSA, MediaPlay, and a Saks 5th Ave went in some time in the 90s, and that sort of gave it a shot at a comeback, but the first two all had storefronts on the exterior and not actually in the interior mall. Both were both gone by 2007. Saks I don't think was around even that long.
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